Heritage Renewal

News from the Center for Heritage Renewal, North Dakota State University

Sunday, October 27, 2013


US-Dakota War Book Discussion

On October 27, 2013, a Sunday afternoon, the Center for Heritage Renewal (CHR) kicked off another round table US-Dakota War discussions at the Opera House in Ellendale, Dickey County, North Dakota. The event was sponsored by the CHR and the North Dakota Humanities Council. It drew approximately 34 discussants from Ellendale, Edgeley, Monango, and Oakes, North Dakota; Aberdeen, South Dakota; and the surrounding area.

Tamara St. John, tribal historian of Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate, and Richard Rothaus, PhD, Research Associate of the CHR and owner of Trefoil Cultural, initiated the discussion that centered on Paul Beck's latest work, Columns of Vengeance: Soldiers, Sioux, and the Punitive Expeditions, 1863-1864 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2013). Below is a photo from that round table discussion.

The next discussion will be held at Sitting Bull College, Fort Yates, Standing Rock Reservation, North Dakota, on November 10, 2013, starting at 2:00PM. Click here for further details.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Barth in Public Historian

Of pertinence to the center's line of research on the Dakota War in Dakota Territory, check out this new article by Aaron Barth, assistant director of the center.

Barth, Aaron L.
"Imagining a Battlefield at a Civil War Mistake: The Public History of Whitestone Hill, 1863 to 2013"
Public Historian 35 (August 2013): 72-97

ABSTRACT: In early September of 1863, Alfred Sully’s command engaged a Dakota encampment at Whitestone Hill in southeastern North Dakota, and the U.S. Army killed 150 to 300 Native men, women and children. In the first decade of the twentieth century, North Dakota Congressman Thomas Marshall and the Grand Army of the Republic erected a Civil War ‘‘battlefield’’ monument at Whitestone Hill. The term "battlefield" reflects the political interpretation of an elite minority, and it has persistently shirked and slighted Whitestone Hill’s multivocal majority.

Congratulations to Aaron on a splendid essay and a prestigious publication.


Columns of Vengeance

The center has organized another humanities program on the Dakota War, coming up at the historic Ellendale Opera House this Sunday. Get the details here. We're happy to have the support of the North Dakota Humanities Council for this program, a discussion of Columns of Vengeance, by Paul N. Beck. Discussion capably led by Tamara St. John and Richard Rothaus. Aaron Barth, Assistant Director of the Center for Heritage Renewal, as well as Vice President of the North Dakota Humanities Council, will bring greetings from both groups.


Hutmacher Restoration Expedition

Come this weekend, the center will be sponsoring another restoration expedition to historic Hutmacher Farm, in Dunn County ND. This involves service learning by students from Prof. Isern's HIST 431 class at NDSU. Weather forecasts sound decent--we might even see 50 degrees. Warm enough to mix gumbo mortar. A dirty time will be had by all.


Fort Abercrombie & Slabtown

Last Saturday, the 19th, our lead scholar for the Fort Abercrombie research project, Richard Rothaus, led us (staff, students, volunteers) through a pedestrian survey of the fort environs, with specific reference to the Siege of Fort Abercrombie in 1862. It was cold, it was muddy, but everyone played nicely, and we got the essential work done. It was a little dispiriting at first, because the ground adjacent to the fort has been pretty well picked over. In the afternoon, however, we shifted our focus to what in 1862 was called Slabtown, the Métis settlement in the oxbow of the Red River, and things got real interesting. Not to tip our hand on this, but we are going to have some path-breaking results from this battlefield survey project.


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